Twin Oaks’ personnel have been providing consulting services to clients looking for sites to develop for commercial and industrial projects for over fifteen years.
Whether you are looking for land that is a Greenfield, brownfield or former mine site or for a specific type of building, Twin Oaks is there to aid you.
We pride ourselves on maintaining close communication with our clients. To fully understand your needs we start with a meeting to discuss the project basis using a checklist of scope components so that we can develop an individualized scope of the site requirements required for your project. The draft scope is provided to you for review and approval before we proceed to locate and investigate sites or buildings that will meet your individual needs and expectations. A final report will be a clear and concise document that will bolster your business plan and aid in obtaining project funding.
Twin Oaks include reviews of the Municipality’s Comprehensive Plan, all applicable zoning and SALDO restrictions on the properties to include in the Constraints Analysis, a critical component in the decision making process prior to the acquisition of the property.
Access to the nation’s transportation network is critical to many companies. In those cases, a key component of our investigation is the highway infrastructure accessing the identified sites. A determination that the client will be required to upgrade this infrastructure to proceed with their project is identified in our report.
If you are looking for a specific building, Twin Oaks will have our certified building inspector available to assess the condition of the structure and provide a report to you to aid in your decision to purchase the property.
We also have strategic partners for Phase I, ALTA surveys, lead and asbestos inspections so the client does not have to deal with multiple professionals.
Twin Oaks values the relationship with our clients and strives to provide them the most cost effective consultant services available.